Friday, April 23, 2010


Try to channel Barbra singing my title. You can hear her can't you? That belting, nasal-y quality.. Anyway...

Mike personified the "perfect" husband last weekend slaving away in the yard all last weekend so he could take off guilt-free for a SAR workout today. He'll be back sometime on Monday, maybe even Sunday if the weather is cruddy.

Mike was great though- he rebuilt the garden plots a few weeks ago so now I have gorgeous, pressure treated wood, bi-level raised garden beds. We packed almost 20 square feet of dirt into our borrowed Audi and threw in a couple bags of expensive Miracle-Gro soil for luck and voila! After two years of nagging, I have my garden beds!

I spent a happy 2 hrs. (solo, even!) at Western Garden and came home with fistfuls of seeds, a paper bag of seed potatoes and some onion sets. Per Anne, the veggie garden gal, I rinsed my onion sets and carefully divided them so I would have lots of onions instead of just a few. Planted my seeds, planted the potatoes, planted the sets. *sigh* now I can relax for a few weeks.

WRONG!! I spend my days hovering around my garden beds. OOhhhh, how are my onions?? Are they hungry? Do they need some water? I'm like the overbearing Mom at a playdate. Have my seeds sprouted yet? No? Can I help them along? Okay, I'll be right over here if you need anything....

I swear, until I have decent sized plants, I totally stress out over those seeds. I'm one step away from digging up the onions just to see how they're doing (Mike will attest to this. I am notorious for digging up and moving perennials so much, I kill'em).

Breathe, Michelle, breeaaaathee.....


  1. I love what husbands will do because of SAR! we are hoping to get our garden done this weekend. have fun out there!

  2. Breathe...yes breathe, but don't listen to Babs! She's crazy!

    I am the same with our garden, it does cause some stress, but when the Summer is coming to a close and you have a plethera of produce, you will have one awesome high. "The Prophet said to plant a garden, so that's what I'll do!"

    PS Thanks for the dog tips.

    PSS What is SAR? Sounds like a disease.

  3. I CAN hear it, I totally can! LOL

    Yay for garden beds!! I'm still dreaming of mine...maybe after 2 years my dreams will become a reality too! <3

    Have fun!
